Laser elimination of broken capillaries/angiomas with Nd:Yag 1064 nm (Alma Harmony PRO)

The cutting-edge Alma Harmony PRO platform makes it possible to successfully remove such defects as dilated capillaries on the face and legs, as well as angiomas. The Nd:Yag laser head produces spectacular effects of the therapy.


  • permanent elimination of broken capillaries (spider veins) on the face,
  • permanent elimination of broken capillaries (spider veins) on the legs,
  • removal of angiomas.


  • broken capillaries on the face,
  • broken capillaries on the legs (teleangiectasia),
  • cherry angiomas,
  • plane angiomas.
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tel. +48 502 983 933

About the procedure

The Nd:Yag 1064 nm laser is part of a state-of-the-art platform called Alma Harmony PRO. The procedures performed using this laser head produce excellent effects in the treatment of dilated capillaries on the face and legs, whether superficial or deep. The laser is also effective in removing angiomas and the clinical effects of the procedures are spectacular.

The energy of the laser is evenly delivered to the blood vessel, without causing skin overheating or discomfort. The application of advanced technologies makes it possible to use high energies that translate into the efficacy of the treatments without the risk of undesirable side effects. The treatment procedure involves controlled heating of the blood vessel, blood coagulation and deliberate damage to the vessel walls.

As a result, after a few days the damaged capillary is resorbed, or absorbed, by the body and excreted by physiological processes.

For whom?

Laser removal of dilated capillaries is a procedure recommended for people who want to get rid of unsightly capillaries on their face, spider veins (teleangiectasia) on their legs, as well as angiomas.

The laser head has interchangeable tips for various types of blood vessels. The tip recommended for superficial and thin capillaries differs from that dedicated to deep and large vessels. The treatment procedures are designed to remove vascular lesions type 1 (red lesions) and type 3 (deeper, blue lesions with a diameter of up to 4 mm).

What does the treatment look like?

The person performing the procedure sets the right parameters and puts special protective goggles on the Patient’s eyes before starting the procedure on the indicated area. The laser head emits a red point of light which guides the tip of the head to specific capillaries to be repaired, which considerably enhances the precision and translates into high efficacy of the treatment procedure.

Pain sensations

The applicator tip is equipped with an innovative skin contact cooling system, which protects the epidermis during the procedure and increases its comfort. The laser pulses are experienced as mild pins and needles. The procedure requires no anaesthesia and is described by Patients as highly comfortable.

Recommended number of procedures

The number of recommended treatment sessions is an individual matter and depends, amongst others, on the type of blood vessel, its locality, depth and diameter. One session is usually sufficient to remove tiny capillaries. However, in some cases, it is necessary to perform a series of 3 – 4 treatment sessions. The treatment sessions should be performed at intervals of 4 – 6 weeks. Patients are recommended to schedule a free-of-charge follow-up appointment with their attending physician 3 weeks after the first session.

Duration of the procedure

Depending on the treatment site, the procedure lasts from 15 minutes on a small area (e.g. capillaries on the ala of the nose) to 45 minutes on a larger area (e.g. capillaries on the legs).

Post operative recovery

Immediately after the procedure, slight reddening or swelling may appear to the skin, which normally fades after a few hours. After the procedure, Patients can resume their normal daily activities and no convalescence period is required.

Recommendations after surgery

Do not tan your skin
unikanie sauny
Do not use sauna
krem z filtrem
Use sunscreen
Give up the gym


  • bacterial or viral infection,
  • skin inflammation,
  • pregnancy and breast-feeding,
  • disorders of the immune system,
  • isotretinoin (within the last 6 months),
  • tanned skin,
  • wound healing disorders,
  • vitiligo,
  • neoplasms,
  • epilepsy,
  • use of photosensitising substances.

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Price list

Face 600 zł
Cheeks 450 zł
Forehead 300 zł
Capillaries on the ala of the nose 350 zł
Neckline 600 zł
A single capillary 300 zł
Legs from 400 zł
Cherry angioma 200 zł
Angioma 2 cm x 2 cm 350 zł
Angioma 4 cm x 4 cm 600 zł
Angioma 12 cm x 12 cm 800 zł
Angioma 16 cm x 16 cm 1 500 zł